Saying No: Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Academia

Just Don't text on wall of building

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of academia? Do you find yourself saying yes to too many things, even when you don't have the time or energy? If so, you're not alone.

In this interactive workshop, we'll explore the importance of setting personal boundaries. We'll discuss how to identify your needs, communicate your boundaries to others, and enforce them when necessary. You’ll understand which boundaries need the most attention so you can learn to thrive in academia.

Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of this workshop, you will have:

• Understood the key elements of establishing healthy boundaries.
• Explored tools and exercises for building healthy boundaries .
• Explored shifting limiting beliefs to more positive beliefs.
• Worked through a practice scenario.
• Worked collaboratively in a constructive and supportive environment.

About the trainer:

This session will be delivered by Dr Catherine Pope. Catherine is a coach and training lead specialising in supporting researchers and academics in the Higher Education sector. She has worked with PhD students through to Professors, helping them to break down complex challenges into more manageable tasks. She has written two books, How to Finish Your PhD and How to Publish Your PhD.

**Please note, this course requires a £20 deposit which will be refunded once you have attended the course, or have cancelled your place at least 72 hours before the course start date. Please see our full Terms and Conditions for more information.  

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