Slanguages: Rethinking Modern Languages from the ground up

Slanguages: Rethinking Modern Languages from the ground up 

Authors: Professor Rajinder Dudrah & Punch Records


Slanguages, published in July 2022 by Punch Records, introduces the work of twenty-three artists, all who have used at least one other language in their work in the creative industries alongside English. They have also played with the spoken form and performance of languages, sometimes blending and mixing languages to speak, sing or perform through slang, and sometimes creating their own unique slang as a result. This book, partly as an elaboration of the exhibition, not only acts as an introduction to our artists, it also, to put it in “slinguistic” terms, offers an insight into the world of slanguages as represented through our artists and their craft. It also demonstrates the impact of the SLANGUAGES project in the working lives of the artists.


Read Slanguages: Rethinking Modern Languages from the ground up, download it here.

A conversation on Slanguages with Professor Rajinder Dudrah and Simon Redgrave

Listen to the Slanguages podcast here.

A conversation about our new book Slanguages: Rethinking Modern Languages from the ground up between Professor Rajinder Dudrah from Birmingham City University, lead for the Slanguages research project and Simon Redgrave, Head of Creative Development at Punch Records. The Slanguages research project funded by the Arts, Humanities and Research Council explores the creative way artists employ and take inspiration from languages such as Arabic, Hindi, Patois, Pidgin, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Urdu, urban sign languages, and Yoruba. The project is wide-ranging and includes exhibitions, performances, and collaborations with artists, creative professionals and partners across the UK.


Public Engagement with Research

Creative Multilingualism